Within your Oura Teams organization, you may add, upgrade, or remove coaches at any time.
Add a coach:
To add a new coach or admin to your Oura Teams organization, first, add them as a coach. To begin, select 'Coaches' in the left-hand menu of the Oura Teams site.
From there, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Invite new coach'.
Fill out the name of the new coach, along with their email address, and click 'Send invite'.
You will receive a notification via email when your new coach accepts the invite and joins your organization.
Upgrade a coach to an admin:
Once you've confirmed a coach has joined your group, you may upgrade the coach to an admin.
Remaining on the 'Coaches' page, you'll see a list of all of your coaches. On the right-hand side of the screen, in the column titled 'Role', click the pencil icon next to the word 'Coach' to upgrade that coach to an admin.
You may also downgrade admins to a coach at any time by completing the reverse process.
Remove a coach or admin:
To remove a coach or admin, visit the 'Coaches' page and locate the coach or admin you wish to remove from Oura Teams and revoke their access to the Teams organization.
Next to the coach or admin's name, click 'Remove'.